Bamboo Makes Great Neighbors
Buy the Ideal Green Wall Privacy Screening for Your Home at our Bamboo Plant Nursery
Bamboo Makes Great Neighbors
Buy the Ideal Green Wall Privacy Screening for Your Home at our Bamboo Plant Nursery
Bamboo for Privacy Near Orlando, FL
Ocoee Bamboo Farm offers multiple varieties of high-quality clumping bamboo to our customers across the state of Florida. Our combined Twenty-acre bamboo nursery in Ocoee Florida is filled with bamboo plants ranging in maturity and length that you can buy and take home.
Nature’s Multipurpose Privacy Wall
Our business specializes in growing and selling clumping bamboo, a nonintrusive type of bamboo that stays in a contained clump rather than spreading far and wide. Because of this, they make great natural fences, privacy barriers, and ornamental landscaping.
Clumping bamboo is also used as a natural building and food resource. Its long fibers are used to build various items due to their strength that’s comparable to mild steel. Meanwhile, the young shoots from several of its varietals can be prepared and eaten.

Nature’s Multipurpose Privacy Wall
Our business specializes in growing and selling clumping bamboo, a nonintrusive type of bamboo that stays in a contained clump rather than spreading far and wide. Because of this, they make great natural fences, privacy barriers, and ornamental landscaping.
Clumping bamboo is also used as a natural building and food resource. Its long fibers are used to build various items due to their strength that’s comparable to mild steel. Meanwhile, the young shoots from several of its varietals can be prepared and eaten.

Wide Selection of Bamboo Plants
We carry several varieties of bamboo that differs in appearance, heights, rigidity, strength, and other characteristics. Each varietal is ideal for different uses. The best way to purchase bamboo is through the advice of your bamboo experts and our bamboo selector
Wholesale to the Public
You can buy our bamboo in small and large pots, prepared for easy planting or your specified use. We also offer field dug clumps if you wish to buy bamboo you found on-site at our farm. The standard sizes we offer are:
3 Gallons
7 Gallons
15 Gallons
45 Gallons
Quality Bamboo Installation
Ocoee Bamboo Farm offers Quality Bamboo Installation Services for our customers. Free Bamboo install quotes through our Bamboo Selector (response time usually 5-10 minutes).
Start Beautifying Your Outdoor Spaces
Contact our team if you’re interested in planting bamboo on your property. Send us a picture of the area and its length, and we’ll provide an estimate of the number of clumps needed to cover it. We look forward to hearing from you.